farmer.tonis 🇪🇪 Farmer from Estonia 🌱 I create humorous and educational farming content ⬇️ Follow along Are we the only ones who pack for the whole month No machine's gonna tell me when I can hit the fiel Does anyone who lives in the countryside have a cl Less than a year ago, I was ready to give up on wi Insuring your home, cars, tractors? You can insure Estonians aren’t exactly known for their love of They say it is an expensive hobby #farmertonis Moving things around takes SO much time! #farmert In 2024, I didn't insure my fields, and quite a fe I’ve taken the next big leap and landed as a vod 🌎Yes, I am now an international man! I had th Tag the hardest worker! Or tag those dudes always The richest farmers aren’t the ones who spend th Orange tractor's door sounds the best 😅 #farme No, I am just a huge fan of farming and tractors! Yeah, about that promise, probably not gonna make I took a nice picture in spring #farmertonis #low Feeling the cold? Sure! But what about the fields Load More Follow on Instagram